Electric foot massager EMS Foot muscle stimulator. Acupuncture pulse massage mat for relaxation and relief of pain and tension
According to ancient Chinese medicine: the internal organs of the body are represented in the form of reflex points on the foot. There are more than sixty points below the human ankle that we can stimulate, because stimulating these points can promote human blood circulation, from top to bottom, balance yin and yang, dilate blood vessels, warm organs. They thus play a role in disease prevention and self-medication. Fast-paced life seriously affects our health. We must learn to relax ourselves. A massage pillow is a good choice. It is portable, easy to use. Let's start from the foot.
Function: Promotes blood circulation and relaxes the feet. Soft and comfortable yoga mat. Skin-friendly silver ion circuit printing. Separate main unit, floor mat can be cleaned with a damp cloth. The foot pad is made of soft flexible PU material and its durability is excellent. And because high-quality conductive material is used, the foot pad is foldable and portable.